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Strategic Conflict Detection

What is Strategic Conflict Detection?

Strategic conflict detection is a pre-flight service consisting of the arrangement, negotiation, and prioritisation of intended operational 4D volumes, routes, or trajectories of emerging aircraft operations to minimise the likelihood of airborne conflicts between operation.*

In the European Union, this service is materialised by the Art. 10 of the U-space Regulation, called “UAS flight authorisation”.

As with the provision of Net-RID service, the provision of the strategic deconfliction service also relies on the exchange of data between UAS service suppliers (USS). This means that in a given area the USS shall be interoperable in order to exchange the operational information prescribed by the ASTM F3548-21 Standard and/or by the U-space regulation. Interoperability is achieved through a Discovery and Synchronisation Service (DSS) which is a standardised discovery mechanism. The DSS has the function, within a defined location, to identify a USS with whom the planning USS needs to exchange data, and also to verify that the information exchanged is relevant. The InterUSS platform implements a standards-compliant DSS capability as well as monitoring tools that validate the implementation of the service.

InterUSS Products Serving Strategic Conflict Detection

Implementation of the DSS for Strategic Conflict Detection

The InterUSS DSS allows a USSP to quickly and easily discover other USSPs relevant to detection of conflicts and synchronize their operational intents in accordance with the ASTM UTM USS Interoperability specification.

Automated Testing, Onboarding and Oversight

The InterUSS platform test suite enables USSPs to test their services against each other. It can also be used by authorities to automatically onboard service providers, and to perform a continuous monitoring of the service performances at service provider level.

* ICAO, Unmanned Aircraft Systems Traffic Management (UTM) A Common Framework with Core Principles for Global Harmonization, Edition 3, p. 12.